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8° 21′ 2.14″ N, 80° 31′ 1″ E

Ataseta Cave

අටසැට ලෙන්

Ataseta Cave

Ataseta Cave

අටසැට ලෙන්

The caves are located in the area to the left. They are served by a magnificent flight of steps leading to Mihintalé and in the locality of the Rajagiri cave area and the Atvehera junction to the north of the lion pond. The natural caves project to the front with drip ledges carved on them protecting rainwater entering from the caves. They have been made habitable by the construction of clay walls for their occupation by the monks. In many instances, these temporary clay walls have perished. Below the drip ledges, there are references to persons responsible for their renovations and donations.

(Heritage of Rajarata by Prof. Chandra Wikramagamage P168)

Location Information

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